Better Intelligence

A trusted and independent provider of data intelligence for Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Corruption and Cybersecurity professionals. A powerful overview and enhanced risk management service – our unique database exceeds all expectations.




Acuris Risk Intelligence combines human intelligence and code to pinpoint any risks associated with forming new business relationships. We provide accurate intelligence using unique data solutions.

Third-Party Risk

Protection against third-party and corruption risks. Acuris Risk Intelligence’ congruent strategic approach to third-party risk management.

Anti-Money Laundering

Knowing Your Customer. Acuris Risk Intelligence interrogates against a database capturing worldwide information.


Proactive detection of data risk. Acuris Risk Intelligence are at the forefront of the fight against identity theft and crime.

Company Watch uses:

“The largest intelligence database gathering worldwide information”

NorthRow uses:

“NorthRow is the only comprehensive risk scoring platform that can handle complex multi-source fraud detection and compliance checks on people, companies and ID documents at high speed, delivered in a single view, through one easily-integrated API.”

Duedil uses:

“Acuris Risk Intelligence strategy to minimise exposure to fraudulent activity”

HooYu uses:

“We added Acuris Risk Intelligence to the HooYu platform as they have the most comprehensive database of actionable intelligence.”

Opus uses:

“The powerful combination of Opus’s workflow and Acuris Risk Intelligence’s high-quality risk data allows organizations to streamline and drive consistency in their compliance processes.”